Friday, October 11, 2013

People publicly opposing the right of physical integrity of boys

Cemil Çiçek, Turkish Parlament speaker: "Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek has called on the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to take a step against PACE’s recent resolution adopting a report against the circumcision of young boys without their consent before the age of 14. " - Hurriyet Daily News

Turkish Circumcision

Shimon Peres, President of Israel, "Stressing the great importance of circumcision in Jewish and Muslim religious traditions, Peres remarked that male circumcision has been practiced by Jewish communities for thousands of years and is a fundamental element and obligation in Judaism." - Jerusalem Post

Orthodox Jewish Circumcision including Metzitzah b'Peh - Oral suction

Abe Foxman, Anti-Defamation League: "The resolution’s suggestion for so-called ‘dialogue’ with religious leaders to ‘overcome’ this 4,000-year tradition and to adopt laws requiring a child’s consent, are steps toward de facto prohibition. It is inconceivable that a Jewish community could remain in any country that banned ‘brit mila.’" - Jerusalem Post

 Ronald Lauder, World Jewish Congress president: "the contention that “that the brit mila, which is performed by specially trained circumciser (“mohel”), constitutes an infliction of permanent bodily harm on a baby is wrong and is not supported by any scientific evidence." - Jerusalem Post

 Benjamin Albalas, President of the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece: "This is a sign of anti-Semitism, in my opinion" - Jerusalem Post

Moshe Kantor, European Jewish Congress President: "Any suggestion to ban circumcision “sends out a terrible message to European Jews that our practices, and therefore our very presence on this continent, is treated with disdain" - Jerusalem Post

 Menachan Margolin, Brussels-based European Jewish Association: "The writers of this report have made a partial examination, and did not take into consideration the opinions of most experts, including from the World Health Organization, about the positive health aspects of circumcision" - Jerusalem Post

Stephan Kramer, leader of the Zentralrat Der Juden: "the motion was “unacceptable” and that it is “completely insane” to compare female genital mutilation with male ritual circumcision" - Jerusalem Post

Frank Furedi: "The main argument used to justify the anti-circumcision crusade is that the aim is to protect children from a dangerous form of physical violation, a horrific act of parental abuse. Implicitly, this charge is about diminishing the status of parental authority, particularly in the domain of moral values."  - Spiked
Former MK Aryeh Eldad, head of the Professors for a Strong Israel Forum:
"The Council of Europe has found at last the greatest threat to kids in the world,” Eldad said declared. “No, it’s not Assad and his chemical weapons. It’s not Khamenei and his nuclear weapons. They are already considered to be ‘the good guys’ and must’ve already been invited for a party at Catherine Ashton’s place.”
“It’s not even settlements this week,” he continued. “Now what is in their sites – unabashedly – are the foreskins of the Jews in Europe, who insist on circumcising their sons.”

Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman Yoel Rozvozov (Yesh Atid): "If necessary, we will instruct embassies to hold circumcision ceremonies on their territory, which is Israeli sovereign territory"

 Antje Jackelén, first female archbishop of the Swedish Church:
"We must show respect for the right to be different."
And then we have to allow Muslims and Jews to circumcise their minor male children, and boys in their religion's name.

Brendan O'Neill, editor of Spiked Online and a columnist for The Australian and The Big Issue: " The bonkers transformation of even foreskin possession into a human right captures very well how the lingo of human rights is often used to undermine real rights that people have enjoyed for aeons — in this case the age-old religious right to remove newborn babies’ foreskins, which is cleaved to by Jewish communities in particular, and also by Muslims. So-called children’s rights are often just a battering ram against adults’ rights, against the right of communities to instil in their young certain ways of thinking and believing, as summed up in the dangerous notion that the rights of an eight-day-old baby boy should take precedence over the rights of his parents and their community to express their faith as they see fit."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi CircLeaks,

    I cannot scroll through your last two posts without covering some of the pictures with one hand. I like the last photo though that probably shows an infant right after circumcision. But, what are we supposed to do? Put these pictures in front of circumcision promoters? Selling the horror of circumcision of minors is hard because many people simply don't want to listen.

    I also need to add that I was not aware that Turkish do this to their sons. According to this article:

    30% of Turkish boys are circumcised this way (the others in the hospital after birth). How are we not supposed to compare it to FGM?

    1. I'm so sorry about the sad and graphic pictures. I think they were necessary, because when these religious people speak of what a beautiful ritual it is and how it's dear to their religion, the reality of what is being done remains concealed under the euphemistic nature of the word circumcision. I think there is a huge contrast between the stubborn faces and arrogant words, and the vulnerability of hurt children and adults.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!.
